Why do business owners insure the desk they sit behind, but not the Key Person, the income generator sat behind it? It is a fact that the vast majority of businesses in the UK do not have adequate protection for their most valuable assets, that is, their Key Personnel. As a business owner it is important you protect your most valuable assets, those key members of staff that generate your income.
What would you do if you lost your top salesman or administrator?
Could you cope without those other members of staff upon which your revenue relies?
We have access to considerable experience in advising business owners on Key Man Protection and Partnership/Shareholder Protection. Where necessary we can assist with draft wordings of Cross/Double Option Agreements and business trust documentation to mitigate the effects of CGT and IHT.
It is important to safeguard your income & insure those employees so that you can continue operationally until replacements or other solutions are found.