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Wrongful Dismissal

Our expert Employment Law Solicitors in Chesterfield, Sheffield and Mansfield offer advice on Wrongful Dismissal and the latest Wrongful Dismissal laws.

Wrongful Dismissal

Wrongful dismissal is different to unfair dismissal, but it is often used interchangeably with unfair dismissal. Unfair dismissal relates to the reason and / or process followed by an employer in bringing employment to an end. Wrongful dismissal relates solely to whether proper notice was given to terminate the employment relationship.

A wrongful dismissal occurs when someone is dismissed without the correct amount of notice. All employees with more than one months’ service are entitled to statutory notice regardless of what their contract of employment or statement of terms and conditions say.

If you’re unsure of what your employee’s entitlement to notice is, or need help to decide whether you can dismiss summarily (without notice), then we can help you and support you through the process, including helping you dismiss an employee fairly, so as to avoid a claim for unfair dismissal as well as wrongful dismissal. For more information, call Banner Jones Solicitors on 0330 017 6309 and get the latest legal advice today!

For your convenience, we also offer a flexible range of fee options on all aspects of employment law.

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