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Updates to Sexual Harassment Laws – is your business ready?

Updates to Sexual Harassment Laws – is your business ready?

From 26 October 2024, every employer has a legal duty to take proactive measures to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. This change in the law comes at a time where sexual harassment claims against well-known TV presenters and businessmen are dominating the headlines.

Landmark Renters’ Rights Bill — Implications for Private Residential Landlords

Landmark Renters’ Rights Bill — Implications for Private Residential Landlords

Residential landlords will need to shape up for the forthcoming legislation set out in the Renters’ Rights Bill put forward by the government.  The banning of Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 as a method for evictions will provide greater security for tenants, alongside a raft of other proposed changes. Smaller scale landlords, in particular, are likely to be affected by the changes. 

Fire and Rehire Laws – a timely reminder

Fire and Rehire Laws – a timely reminder

A recent Supreme Court decision against Tesco serves as an important reminder of the risks of employers using ‘fire and rehire’ to impose changes to terms and conditions and how this should only be used as a last resort.

Injured on a package holiday, can I make a personal injury claim?

Injured on a package holiday, can I make a personal injury claim?

If you, or a family member, suffer an injury or illness on holiday that was not your fault, you may be able to make a personal injury claim in the UK against the package holiday operator.

Can Dog Bite Injuries lead to Personal Injury Claims?

Can Dog Bite Injuries lead to Personal Injury Claims?

Dog bite injuries can be traumatic and often result in significant physical and emotional consequences. In addition to the immediate physical harm, dog bite injuries can also give rise to complex legal issues, particularly concerning personal injury claims. Understanding the causes, consequences, and legal aspects of dog bite injuries is crucial for both victims and those potentially liable.

Can Bedsores (pressure sores) lead to a Personal Injury Claim?

Can Bedsores (pressure sores) lead to a Personal Injury Claim?

Bedsores, also known as pressure sores or decubitus ulcers, are painful and often preventable injuries that can occur when someone remains in the same position for an extended period. In cases where negligence or inadequate care contributes to the development of bedsores, victims may have grounds to file a personal injury claim.

How do Child Protection Conferences Work?

How do Child Protection Conferences Work?

Child Protection Conferences involve multiple professionals from various agencies, such as social services, health services, education, police, and sometimes representatives from voluntary organizations. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of the child's situation and facilitates collaborative decision-making.

The Bumpy Road Ahead: Understanding Personal Injury Claims Due to Pothole Accidents in the UK

The Bumpy Road Ahead: Understanding Personal Injury Claims Due to Pothole Accidents in the UK

Potholes can wreak havoc on vehicles and, more alarmingly, pose a serious risk to pedestrians and cyclists. Could you claim compensation for injury due to a pothole accident through a personal injury claim?

Navigating the recent changes in UK Employment Laws - April 2024

Navigating the recent changes in UK Employment Laws - April 2024

For HR managers and businesses alike, keeping abreast of Employment Law changes isn't just advisable—it's imperative. Here, Katie Ash, Head of Employment Law summarises some recent regulation changes which came into effect in April 2024.

Improved Redundancy Protection for Maternity Leave

Improved Redundancy Protection for Maternity Leave

New Regulations came into force on 6 April 2024 in England and Wales to give pregnant employees and those on maternity leave or family-related leave better protection from redundancy.

How to calculate holiday pay in 2024: an update on legislative changes

How to calculate holiday pay in 2024: an update on legislative changes

For many businesses, calculating holiday pay is a straight-forward process. Employers are, within the parameters of the law, able to dictate how many annual leave days or hours a staff member is entitled to.

What is Carer's Leave?

What is Carer's Leave?

Carer's Leave is where employees apply to be absent from work to provide or arrange care for a dependant with a long-term care need.

Changes to statutory Paternity Leave come into force

Changes to statutory Paternity Leave come into force

The Paternity Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2024 have now come into force, bringing with them changes which see fathers or partners of children born or adopted after 6th April 2024 being able to take their paternity leave entitlement in 2 blocks of one week within the first year of the birth or adoption of their child.

Positive Action not Positive Discrimination

Positive Action not Positive Discrimination

People often talk about how certain groups are under-represented within workforces, but what steps can an employer take to redress this? Head of Employment Law at Banner Jones Solicitors, Katie Ash, discusses how employers can use a Positive Action approach to eliminate or reduce discrimination and help these groups access employment or training as outlined in the Equality Act 2010.

New transparency rules to keep companies squeaky clean

New transparency rules to keep companies squeaky clean

Company directors, people with significant control of a company, or anyone who files on behalf of a company, must ensure they comply with new transparency rules from March 2024. 

An Office Romance – Should a relationship at work be disclosed?

An Office Romance – Should a relationship at work be disclosed?

Disclosing a relationship at work depends on various factors, including company policies, the working environment, and the nature of the relationship. Sara Patel, Employment Law Specialist at Banner Jones, explains some considerations to help employees and employers navigate what can sometimes be a complex situation.

Innocent banter or workplace discrimination?

Innocent banter or workplace discrimination?

Workplace banter is driving a surge in claims against employers with research showing that 66 claimes relating to banter were heard in employment tribunals in 2022.

Minimum wage changes – is your business ready?

Minimum wage changes – is your business ready?

In November 2023 the government announced a minimum wage increase which was focused on protecting low-paid workers’ living standards in light of the current economic climate and cost of living crisis. The changes came in to force on the 1st April 2024 - is your business ready?

Moving out of the marital home?  Your rights uncovered

Moving out of the marital home? Your rights uncovered

In this article we help to bust one of the most common family law myths, and provide advice on how to proceed if you wish to move out of the matrimonial home.

Relationship breakdown – can mediation help?

Relationship breakdown – can mediation help?

As of 29 April 2024, it is now mandatory for the majority of separating or divorcing couples to first attempt non-court dispute resolution methods (like mediation) to address child arrangements and financial matters.

Employment Law - Changes employers need to be aware of

Employment Law - Changes employers need to be aware of

As we enter 2024, we’ve been reflecting on some of the significant changes in employment law we have seen over the course of 2023 which employers need to be aware of. These include amendments to the flexible working regime, further deliberations about employment status by the Supreme Court and considerable changes to the calculation of holiday pay. 2024 looks set to be a big year for change in employment law, so here we have done a roundup of key developments in 2023 and have highlighted the ‘ones to watch’ in 2024.

The Importance of Prenuptial and Post-Nuptial Agreements for Business Owners

The Importance of Prenuptial and Post-Nuptial Agreements for Business Owners

Here, our Head of Family Law, Kelly Parks explains why business owners should consider a pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement.

The intertwining of relationships and financial assets can be a complex and delicate balance. As individuals embark on the journey of building a life together, it is crucial to consider the potential impact on the business if the relationship were to end.

Estate Planning for Business Owners – what should you consider?

Estate Planning for Business Owners – what should you consider?

Estate planning for business owners is a critical process that includes planning for the transfer of your assets and the management of your business in the event of your retirement, death or incapacity. Here are some essential steps and considerations for business owners when it comes to estate planning.

Redundancy Consultation Processes – Advice for Employers

Redundancy Consultation Processes – Advice for Employers

Consultation is a key part of any fair redundancy process. It is therefore vital that employers considering redundancies plan how they will consult their employees about any proposed redundancies at an early stage.