The Risks of Divorcing Without a Formal Financial Settlement
According to the findings of the FairShares research project in November 2023, just one-third of divorcing couples finalise their finances through a court order. Without a court-approved financial remedy order (known as a Consent Order), divorcing couples may find themselves subject to claims being made against their assets and pensions in the future, many years after the divorce proceedings have been finalised.

Moving out of the marital home? Your rights uncovered
In this article we help to bust one of the most common family law myths, and provide advice on how to proceed if you wish to move out of the matrimonial home.

What happens to my pension when I divorce?
A pension is a matrimonial asset, regardless of whose name it is in, and its value and how it should be shared needs to be considered when dividing the assets.

Dogs & Divorce- a bone of contention?
Over the last few years, there have been a spattering of cases in the media where separating couples have disclosed that they have spent thousands of pounds arguing over who should get the dog.

What happens to business assets during a divorce?
We know that divorce is not easy for anyone, but it can become even more complex when there are business assets involved.

Online divorce advice - the pros and cons
We know that the speed and convenience of online divorce is appealing. This article explains when it is appropriate and when it is not.

What Happens When a Parent Breaches a Court Order?
When a Court issues an Order, it is legally binding and must be followed by all parties involved. Unfortunately, there are instances where one party may disregard or breach a Court Order, causing frustration and potential harm to the child and the other party. This article aims to shed light on the consequences and legal recourse available when a party breaches a Court Order in the context of family law.

Public Sector Pension Changes – what the delays mean for divorcing key workers
When a couple divorces both parties must provide details of any pensions they own. The temporary suspension of providing pension pot values means couples may face a delay in finalising their financial arrangements as they cannot negotiate or be advised as to what would be a fair settlement without knowing the CETV of their pension fund.

Mediation Advice
Mediation is a process which helps people sort out issues that arise as a breakdown of their relationship. This guide helps to explain the process.

Financial Settlements Explained
Kelly Parks, explains how a financial settlement works and what you can do to ensure that you get your fair share.

How to Tell Your Children That You Are Separating
Going through a divorce or separation is hard at the best of times but is often even harder when there are children involved in the relationship.

Chronic Illness and Divorce
Married couples will very often have used traditional wedding vows where they promise to support each through sickness and in health, however, a recent study has found that unfortunately chronic illness plays a significant role in the breakdown of a marriage. Statistics from a US study by the Journal of Health and Social Behaviour show that 75% of marriages afflicted with chronic illness end in divorce.

No fault divorce- what are the changes?
You may well have heard in the news that the government are reforming the divorce process to introduce the so called ‘no fault divorce’ . This shall remove the element of fault and blame from the current divorce process and it is hoped that this will assist separating couples, making the court process less fraught and upsetting.

Mistakes to avoid when negotiating a separation agreement
If you have decided to separate from your partner, there are certain practicalities that you will need to work out together. This can be done through a separation agreement.

Tips for surviving the festive season when separated/divorced
It is very common for couples to try to “keep-it-together” through the festive season for the sake of the children, but if you’re already separated then a bit of careful planning and communication will help. In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of useful tips for surviving this festive season.

Do grandparents have a right to contact with their grandchildren?
When a couple makes the decision to divorce, the breakdown of the relationship can have far-reaching consequences. Unfortunately, grandparents of any children of the relationship can suffer and even be prevented from seeing their grandchildren as often as they would like. However, there are certain actions grandparents can take to secure their relationship with their beloved grandchildren and in this article, we look at some of the solutions to a very sensitive legal problem.

Child vaccinations and what happens when the parents disagree
All child vaccinations in the UK are voluntary and therefore parental consent must be given prior to the vaccination.

Everything you need to know about no fault divorce.
This guide explains the no fault divorce process and covers the key points that anyone considering, or in the process of, a divorce should understand.

The Future of Divorce
It has recently been announced that couples in England and Wales will eventually be able to file for a ‘no fault’ divorce, meaning that couples who simply grow apart, no longer have to find ‘blame’ to bring the marriage to an end. It is thought that this reform in divorce law will help to reduce family conflict and, in some cases, could speed up divorce proceedings. With these changes, alongside the introduction of the Ministry of Justice online divorce platform it is thought that divorce will become much quicker and easier for many couples in the future.

Understanding Cohabitation
Cohabitation is the name given to unmarried couples living together. Whether you have previously been married, or are living with your first ‘partner’, you are called cohabitees. But what does this actually mean in practice, and what are your legal rights if anything were to happen to the relationship, or to either of you?

Reforming the Divorce Laws

Are Pre-Nups Binding?
Just how binding are Pre-nuptial Agreements in the British Courts? Well a recent ruling of the High Court on a French ‘pre-nuptial agreement’ pretty much spells it out.

How Social Media Can Fuel A Divorce

Court departs from the ‘sharing principle’ in a divorce settlement
In a ruling in the June of 2017, the courts followed an increasing trend for financial settlements of divorcing couples to reflect more accurately the contributions that each partner made to the marriage.

Why children come first in a divorce
During a break up, being fair and civilised to each other is often the best you can hope for, but when there are children involved emotions need to be set aside.